+ (876)-214-8112; 876-978-8538 1998camc@gmail.com

Event Gallery

Here we display gallery images of of recent events involving the CAMC.

Natasha Innocent (left), Dr. George (2nd Left), Dr. Halkites (centre), Dr. Lawrence (right) Dr. Grimes (2nd right)

Professor Spencer (centre) is flanked by Dr. Geroges, Halkites, Grimes, Lawerence and Natasha Innocent

Dr. Lawrence (left) in discussion with Prof. Spencer.

Mrs. Robinson Gammond (right) in discussion with Dr. Waight (centre) and Dr. Surage (Chairman of the CAMC)

Dr. Ferdinand (right, Dr. Halkites (2nd left), Dr Grimes (2nd Right) and Dr. Garroway (left)

Left: Trevor Mcartney along with Natasha Innocent

Left: Dr. Garroway, Right: Doctor Ray Frazer Centre: Dr. Halkites

Centre: Dr. Ray Frazer, Dr. Grimes (2nd right), Dr. Garroway (left) & Dr. Ferdinand